Origins of ‘Abracadabra’

Abracadabra! It’s a word so intertwined with the art of magic and yet the origins are uncertain. 

There are a number of theories and it’s even possible that the word has multiple influences and meanings that evolved over time.

According to one theory, the word "abracadabra"  is meant to invoke the power of the divine trinity. Another suggests that it’s an adaptation of the Hebrew phrase "avrah kadavrah," which means "it will come to pass."

The theory that we’ll be focusing on is the one that I choose to believe. 

It suggests that , “Abracadabra” may be derived from an Aramaic term that translates to "I create as I speak,”. 

That phrase really resonates with me because it’s all about the power of manifestation and speaking something into existence.

A feat that I’ve done before, and look forward to doing again. 

Just take a look at this storyboard excerpt for a video idea that I had a few years back. I remember drawing as I envisioned the video coming to life. 

Now here’s a look at the video that was born as a result…

Maybe the reason that, “Abracadabra” works so well with the traditional image of a magician is because the magician uses their wand to focus their energy towards producing a certain outcome. One that they’ve worked hard to manifest.

I find it fascinating to think about and figured it might be worth sharing.


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